Monday, November 14, 2011

Mudcloth, Part II

The golfball-painted backgrounds for the mudcloth are all dry. It was time to work out the foreground. This is a project for the 3- and 4-year olds and the primary goal is actually storytelling. The children record journal entries each week, but some art projects lend themselves perfectly for a little extra storytelling inspired by the books we are reading in class. Mudcloth tells a story with pattern, line, and placement.

While there is room for learning about art techniques (collage, in this case), this particular project is about exploring story.

The children chose their foregrounds from a collection of many cut outs and as they spread glue and sealed the surface of the collages, they talked about the story lines they imagined the shapes of their cut outs would tell.

Tomorrow we will begin to record these stories before adding watercolor to the collages.

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